Our Market

InfoTilt,erves the private sector as well as government enterprises. Our clients include Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan Chase, Wells-Fargo, Ameriprise Financial, Fidelity Investments and Deloitte & Touche. We've also worked for the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

We are proud to provide our clients with top-level service, and work hard to maintain budgets and timelines while creating solutions that enhance productivity and workflow.

The markets we serve include:


Our developers have security clearance and a great deal of expertise in working on sensitive, high-profile government contracts. Our client list includes Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

Pharmaceutical Industries

From developing tools used to facilitate DNA sequencing and DNA analysis to helping scientists analyze and identify properties for drugs, to creating systems to help track FDA drug trial results, InfoTilt has the technological and intellectual expertise to bring effective tools to the pharmaceutical industry.

Financial Services

InfoTilt has a great deal of experience in implementing solutions such as the Charles River Trading System [TM] and Calypso, and also offers options for financial companies working in the derivatives market, exotic securities and more.

For additional information about InfoTilt’s services, please request or submit a project description and an InfoTilt representative will respond shortly.